Posts tagged systems
Your email inbox is not a project management system

One of the most common mistakes I see my clients make as they scale is becoming too reliant upon back and forth communication to get stuff done.

You know what I mean if you've ever had to send 6 back and forth emails just to get a status update, if you've had to answer the same question a million times, or if you've had to dig through your inbox or chat history for that critical piece of information you're looking for.

Yes, communication is incredibly important. But too much of it becomes detrimental if you want your business to be scalable.


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Is it too early to systematize your business?

When I talk to people about what it is that I do, I often talk about that time in the growth trajectory of a business when everything that used to feel fun and simple becomes messy and complex.

But what if things get to a point where everything feels that way? When everything feels equally important and equally chaotic?

It's definitely time to systematize, right?

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How to Automatically Track Your LinkedIn Activities

It’s Tuesday morning at 8:30am and I’ve just posted on LinkedIn.

In what’s become a weekly routine, I go to the menu at the top right of my screen and pull up my history of posts and activities. It’s the posts I’m after.

As I scroll through the list, I jot down the most up to date number of views, likes, and comments for each post in a spreadsheet I use to keep track. I calculate my engagement rate too, a tip I picked up from a client of mine that runs an influencer marketing agency. I repeat this process each and every week, often having to update my numbers for the same posts over and over again as they continue to garner engagement.

Is there anything more mind numbing and tedious?!

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Shopping for Business Software Sucks

Here’s how to do it the right way

Imagine this.

You walk into a grocery store on a mission to hunt for a better breakfast. You’re looking for something healthy, affordable, and substantial enough to keep you going through your morning Zoom meetings.

But in this grocery store, every brand name is foreign to you. It’s like you’re grocery shopping for the very first time.

As you walk down the breakfast aisle, you’re overwhelmed by the dizzying array of options stacked on either side of you. There’s granola and grits. Muffins and muesli. Jams, jellies, and marmalades (what’s even the difference?). And more than two dozen peanut butters that come in every variety imaginable.

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