The most common question I get

A couple of weeks ago, I was speaking to a networking contact when he said, "So Brad, So you're the scalability guy. How do you scale your business when it's just you?"

It wasn't just him. I get asked this question constantly.

I responded, "Well it's true that I help my clients scale their business, but what my clients want isn't necessarily the same as what I want."

I've talked about this before, but growth and scaling are not the same thing.

Growth is all about more, more, more. More clients, more sales, more staff.

Scalability is about things being smooth, streamlined, and efficient.

It's about being able to sleep at night knowing that the processes and systems you have in place work.

My clients come to me because they want their business to be scalable. And yes, growth is likely a result, but they understand that to achieve it, they need to work smarter, not harder.

So do I want my business to be scalable? Well, yes!

I want to refine the way I work with my clients so they get more value in less time.

I want to tune my sales & marketing engine so it consistently delivers great clients who I can do transformational work with.

I want to experiment with new ways to meet people, build relationships, and spread my voice.

And I want to expand my abilities to solve types of problems I never have before.

Will making my business more scalable lead to growth? Perhaps. It undoubtedly paves a pathway for it.

But above all, scalability is about being in control. I am driving my business. It is not driving me. And having a well-tuned engine means I get to choose how hard I press on the gas.

What about you? Are you driving your business, or is it driving you? What would it feel like if you didn't have to work so hard get your business to the place you want it to be?

If you’d like to take your business to the next level and need a little help, schedule a discovery call.