Creating Genuine Connections in a Virtual World

As I sat down at my desk this morning, the sun peaking over the downtown Silver Spring skyline and through my window, I could sense a tinge of excitement. It’s not often that I’m in go mode first thing in the morning. My routine is more typically characterized by a slower and introspective pace as I enjoy a cup of Vigilante coffee while seeking insights or inspiration in a podcast.

But this morning, I couldn’t wait to get to work.

It’s been so easy over these past nine months to fall into the monotony of everyday life. I once took for granted how the ability to meet someone for coffee or go to an event breaks up the work week and puts you in a different state of mind.

So when I had the opportunity earlier this week to be on a podcast, the experience refreshed me and gave me an energy that’s lasted all week. It’s what got me out of bed this morning excited to share it with you!


The podcast, called Small Business Connections, is hosted by Ann Brennan of ASMM Digital Marketing. Coincidentally enough, Ann and I met in a Zoom breakout room during a networking event several months ago. We quickly arranged a time to get to know each other one on one.

I was immediately struck by how personable and sincere Ann was. I asked her how her business had been affected by the events of the year. She told me how when things started closing down, she thought first about her customers before thinking about herself.

“I asked myself,” she told me, “what can I do to help promote my customers and keep them afloat? That’s where the idea of the podcast came from. I wanted to use my platform to share their stories.”

She didn’t skip a beat. “You have a great story. I’d love to have you on the podcast as well.”

I joined Ann on the podcast last Wednesday, and we picked up right where we left off. She asked me about my transition from studying mechanical engineering to engineering businesses. We talked about lessons learned from my early experiences starting my first company before joining a fast-growing startup. And we talked shop on the importance of efficiency and automation, especially in the tumultuous and ever changing business landscape we now face.

As Ann and I debriefed after the stream was over, it was hard to believe it was only the third time we had spoken. It felt like I had known Ann for years. Ann’s ability to connect with others is unequivocally her superpower - no doubt due to her complete openness, vulnerability, and candor. There’s no filter when you talk with Ann. And in a time when new connections are hard to come by, it’s a heartening reminder that genuine connections can still happen in a virtual world.

I hope you’ll check out my discussion with Ann on YouTube or listen to it on Apple Podcasts. And please consider dropping her a like if you enjoy it.

I’d love to know, what podcasts have you been listening to lately that have been thought provoking or inspiring?